Links I Liked [Public Procurement]

1. The only real PPP in Portugal is dead (Portuguese only). By real I mean a deal where the risk stayed with the private contractor instead of the public sector. Teixeira Duarte (private contractor) allegedly lost €42M in the deal, a significant sum in a small country like Portugal.

2. Last week's 3rd e-procurement conference was great. Had a great time and would like to thank the organisers for inviting me back again. Met a bunch of interesting people I was yet to bump into in procurement related conferences. And Peter Smith once more! You can find my presentation on the presentations folder.

3. Procurement is waking up to technology (at least in the US). As I said before, procurement is ripe for digital destruction and it cannot happen soon enough.

4. There is an award for procurement thesis going on. And not a bad one!

5. Some people miss pre-qualification questionnaires. I disagree with Ian Thompson's findings but good read nonetheless.

PS: Apologies for the slowness of the updates but most of last week was spent travelling. Friday took us 6 hours to get from Bristol Airport to Swansea (do not ask...). Plus, I am currently enjoying a throwback to my allergy infused younger years. Not funny. Oh, and there is *that* new project coming up right around the corner.