Links I Liked [Public Procurement]

- Final Public Contracts Regulation 2015

As expected, Government rushed the transposition before the General Election. As expected as well, most of the transposition is a copy + paste affair of Directive 2004/14. Remember that these regulations do not cover Scotland as public procurement is a devolved power there. EDIT: More info about Scotland's plans here.

- Some early comments on the Public Contracts Regulation

From the perspective of the NCVO.

- Huge report on public procurement in Portugal

In Portuguese only unfortunately, but I will write about it in the near future. I have been told the report itself will be available in English, even if only part of it.

- The Bottom Line (29/01/15)

Indirectly about procurement. Interesting how services industries complain about the use of "pitches" (ie, procurement exercises with proposals/bids/tenders) in private procurement. Funny how private procurement is getting more similar to public procurement in some instances.