Launching the Early Career Researcher Public Procurement Conference (March 4th, London)

We will be holding a one day conference for Early Career Researcher Public Procurement Conference at the Centre for Transnational Legal Studies in London on March 4th. 10 Early Career Researchers will have the opportunity to present their research on a non-threatening environment, benefiting from presenting at a leading international conference early in their career and getting expert commentary on their research. We are looking for promising researchers passionate about public procurement irrespective of disciplinae and interested in engaging with a non-specialist audience.
In addition, the conference will include a ‘speed-dating’ mentoring session in the afternoon, allowing for the beneficiaries to expand their personal networks and helping the development of their career plans. Participants are also invited to take part in the dinner that evening.
Thanks to the British Academy Rising Star Engagement award and the kind facilities offer by the Centre for Transnational Legal Studies it is be possible to reimburse travel costs (up to a maximum of £350), offer one night accommodation and also the dinner on the night of March 4th.
The call for proposals is open at the Public Procurement Podcast website until January 10th.
We already have some confirmed appearances. In addition to myself, Dr. Albert Sanchez-Graells, Dr. Ama Eyo and Professor Roberto Caranta will also be taking part. I will be confirming further names in the next few weeks.
In case you are not an Early Career Researcher and would like to attend the conference, drop us a line as we will have limited spaces available.